Turn Lemons into Lemonade – ‘When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.’
So many quotes and proverbs strike a chord within us. Advising us how to become or stay happy many of these ‘sayings’ have been around for decades, centuries even. This adage, penned over one hundred years ago suggests making sweet and delicious lemonade, after life throws you a sour lemon. It is arresting in
Stay Interviews: Strategy for Engagement and Retention
Do you know why your employees resign? If you don't, you are in the majority. 84 percent of the 374 organisations in Australia and New Zealand surveyed by The Interview Group did not clearly understand why their staff chose to resign. Most companies use exit interviews to find out why employees resign. Exiting employees
Playing Nicely In the Workplace Sandpit
Rates of sexual assault and harassment as well as threatening or abusive conduct have been declining in the public sector. Worryingly however, reports of bullying, racism and discrimination are on the increase. The annual WA Public Sector Commission 2016/17 report revealed that 534 minor misconduct complaints were received during that year. Comprising of 969