Seven Ways to Practice Gratitude at Work
grat-i-tude: The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. We don't always have control over what happens at work but we do have control over how we react. We can choose to respond to difficult or challenging situations in a way that is uplifting rather than disheartening, constructive
Coping With Changing Times
The past 75 years have seen more change than perhaps any other period in our history. Changes in technology, transport mechanisms and family structures have revolutionised society and the workplace. Our places of employment are still constantly evolving and changing. Some of the drivers for these changes are apparent: Economic factors, risk, technology, social
CIC Technique to Cope with Stress
Stress is something that affects us all, placing a demand on our resources in order to cope. One simple and useful technique is the simple CIC model. Control, Influence, Cope. It enables us to identify an essential pathway to focus our energy and reduce our stress in situations. For example, you have a meeting