10 03, 2018

Social Media Policy: A Must-Have

2018-01-18T18:32:46+08:00March 10th, 2018|HR Consulting Services, Training and Development, Workplace Investigations|

When a Linfox employee made disparaging comments about company managers on his Facebook page, the company fired him for serious misconduct. The employee applied to Fair Work Australia for unfair dismissal. The Commissioner sided with the employee. Why? Because Linfox did not have a policy covering employee use of social media. In the complete absence of a policy defining appropriate conduct, the employee could not be guilty of any

16 01, 2018

Playing Nicely In the Workplace Sandpit

2018-01-18T17:58:38+08:00January 16th, 2018|HR Consulting Services, Peer Support Products, Training and Development|

Rates of sexual assault and harassment as well as threatening or abusive conduct have been declining in the public sector. Worryingly however, reports of bullying, racism and discrimination are on the increase. The annual WA Public Sector Commission 2016/17 report revealed that 534 minor misconduct complaints were received during that year. Comprising of 969 separate allegations, 64% (621 complaints) were regarding staff behaviour with almost one third of those

6 11, 2017

Mirror Mirror On the Wall

2018-01-18T18:41:57+08:00November 6th, 2017|HR Consulting Services, Psychosocial Hazards, Workplace Investigations|

I recently read that a particular world leader receives folders twice a day ‘full of positive news stories, tweets praising him and sometimes pictures’ of himself on TV ‘looking powerful’. It is a level of narcissism uneasily reminiscent of the evil queen in Snow White and her mirror on the wall. As I watch current developments around the world, it reminds me of an article published in the February

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