2 07, 2018

Disabled or Difabled?

2018-05-25T18:04:49+08:00July 2nd, 2018|HR Consulting Services|

On a recent trip to Bali, coming through the International Departure area I saw a sign ‘Difable & Special Needs Service’. It made me think how perfect the term is…difable…differently able. A much more positive reflection of people who experience what is generally termed disabilities. The Latin prefix ‘dis’ originates from the meaning ‘apart’, asunder’, away’, utterly’ or having a ‘negative or reversing force.’ Generally it means ‘lack of’

10 03, 2018

Social Media Policy: A Must-Have

2018-01-18T18:32:46+08:00March 10th, 2018|HR Consulting Services, Training and Development, Workplace Investigations|

When a Linfox employee made disparaging comments about company managers on his Facebook page, the company fired him for serious misconduct. The employee applied to Fair Work Australia for unfair dismissal. The Commissioner sided with the employee. Why? Because Linfox did not have a policy covering employee use of social media. In the complete absence of a policy defining appropriate conduct, the employee could not be guilty of any

30 01, 2018

Stay Interviews: Strategy for Engagement and Retention

2018-01-18T18:35:42+08:00January 30th, 2018|Coaching and Management Support, HR Consulting Services|

Do you know why your employees resign? If you don't, you are in the majority. 84 percent of the 374 organisations in Australia and New Zealand surveyed by The Interview Group did not clearly understand why their staff chose to resign. Most companies use exit interviews to find out why employees resign. Exiting employees commonly do not answer honestly or fully. Exit interviews are not the best source to

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