11 05, 2017

Peer Support Project

2018-01-18T18:22:04+08:00May 11th, 2017|Peer Support Products, Training and Development|

Introduction In one of the first studies of its kind with respect to peer support, the Peer Support Project (2011) engaged Delphi methodology to examine peer support programs, including their usage, efficacy and future implications. The Delphi method, increasingly used in fields of social science, acknowledges the value of expert opinions, experience and intuition when full scientific knowledge isn’t available. The project uncovered consensus on a variety of peer

28 04, 2017

CISM Controversy

2018-01-18T18:27:09+08:00April 28th, 2017|HR Consulting Services, Peer Support Products, Psychosocial Hazards, Training and Development|

Introduction Controversy has abounded since the mid 90’s over the efficacy of Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM). Intended as multi-component staff support program, CISM has been extended well beyond the purpose for which it was designed as a support for emergency support workers in times of crisis and war. The use of CISM in a wider context has created debate as to the usefulness, and even possibility of harm.

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