28 02, 2019

Curb the Negative Effects of Office Gossip

2019-02-07T13:54:54+08:00February 28th, 2019|Coaching and Management Support, Conflict Resolution and Mediation, HR Consulting Services|

Trust and collaboration are at the heart of any successful organisation and gossip has the potential to ruin both.Most people have been guilty of indulging in a little gossip at some point. However, gossiping can detract from performance and so also productivity. Whether it’s speculating about a co-worker’s questionable fashion choices or the boss’s new girlfriend, every workplace has its fair share of gossip. However, gossip can be incredibly damaging

25 02, 2018

The Joker

2018-01-18T18:33:46+08:00February 25th, 2018|Training and Development|

Joking and generally having fun at work can increase productivity and employee engagement. It may reduce stress, build harmonious relationships, improve teamwork, promote creativity, aid communication and reduce absenteeism…who would want to miss out on some enjoyable activity at work? But remember the less than hilarious Joker from Batman lore? Described as an anarchist and an agent of chaos…his example reminds us that there is good reason to bear

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