16 07, 2020

Is Overuse of Smartphones at Work Killing Productivity? How to Help Your Employees Strike the Right Balance

2020-07-02T15:17:28+08:00July 16th, 2020|Coaching and Management Support, HR Consulting Services, Psychosocial Hazards|

Research on local mobile phone usage shows that Australians interact with their mobile phones about 480 million times in a day – approximately 40 million times more than last year. Over 40% of Australians check their mobile phones even in the middle of the night. Smartphones and tablets have permeated every sphere of our lives; we make travel and cinema bookings, check for news updates, organise our diaries and

2 07, 2020

Is Lack of Resilience Stressing Out Your Employees? Help Your Team Build Up Resilience and Coping Abilities

2020-07-02T15:10:54+08:00July 2nd, 2020|Coaching and Management Support, HR Consulting Services, Peer Support Products, Psychosocial Hazards, Training and Development|

According to a report from Medibank, almost 5 million Australians report feeling stress caused by job pressure and an overload of tasks at work. A modern workplace is often highly demanding with constantly connected work cultures where the risks of burnout are widespread. Given that the frenetic pace of modern workplaces is unlikely to change, it’s more important than ever to help your team navigate workplace challenges more successfully.

5 05, 2020

COVID-19 Coping – Resources to Help You Get Through This

2020-05-07T15:00:22+08:00May 5th, 2020|HR Consulting Services, Psychosocial Hazards|

In this uncertain time where we are all faced with dealing with COVID-19 there have been some great resources that can assist with ideas to help you cope.With permission ESN Consultant and Organisational Psychologist Sandra Lam (who has her own business FIFO Focus) has developed this great article Keep Mentally Healthy Whilst Isolated. Although designed for those working away, it has some really solid practical tips that are relevant to

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