Training and Development2017-10-16T09:58:33+08:00


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Customised Training Programs and Seminars for Excellence

We offer customised professional development programs. Training is provided both on and off site to promote ease of accessibility for staff in both metropolitan and regional areas.

Our experience extends to facilitating training for individuals with disabilities, including those with hearing and sight impairments.

We deliver the application of valuable and enjoyable learning into the workplace. Using positive psychology and best practice learning techniques, training can be provided as:

  • Customised Corporate Training. Sample courses are below and others can be created to meet your specific needs.
  • Mental Health Commission’s Response Training Services Panel MCH141 which includes: mental health information, communication skills, governance and leadership, peer workforce and consumer up skilling.
  • Group Crisis Intervention Training with internationally and nationally accredited Crisis Intervention Management Australasia / International Critical Incident Stress Foundation
Public speaker

We offer courses in the following:

  • Managing psychosocial hazards
  • Dealing with workplace bullying and harassment
  • Managing workplace bullying and harassment
  • Dealing with difficult people
  • Managing aggressive behaviour
  • Effective conflict resolution
  • Managing workplace grievances
  • Dispute mediation for supervisors and managers
  • Grievance officer training
  • Positive performance management
  • Having healthy conversations
  • Peer support officer training
  • Personal resiliency skills for frontline staff
  • Mental health awareness for frontline staff
  • Managing workplace crisis
  • Critical incident response for frontline staff
  • Creating positive team dynamics
  • Coping with change
  • Managing workplace change

We have a wide range of additional professional development programs available. Customised courses may be necessary to fulfil your particular needs so it is recommended to contact us to discuss your requirements.

For more information, please contact ESN directly to discuss your specific needs

Wellness and Employee Engagement Seminars

Our popular one hour Wellness and Employee Engagement Seminars offer valuable maintenance to professional and personal employee wellbeing.

Sessions include, but are not limited to:

  • Sleep Well For Health
  • Playing At Work To Enhance Productivity
  • Positive Work Life Balance
  • Impacting Positively Through Body Language
  • From Emotional Intelligence To Social Intelligence
  • Impact With A Winning Attitude
  • Enhance Your Self Confidence
  • Creating Positive Mental Health
  • Goal Setting For Success
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Our latest blog posts

What You Can Do to Tackle Theft in the Workplace

June 4th, 2024|Categories: Coaching and Management Support, Conflict Resolution and Mediation, HR Consulting Services, Workplace Investigations|Tags: , |

From employees making away with the odd pen or pack of Post-It notes, workplace theft costs Australian employers millions of dollars every year. Workplace pilfering is a fairly common problem, and employees often steal

Has Today’s Virtual Reality Changed the Rules of Workplace Communication?

May 14th, 2024|Categories: Coaching and Management Support, HR Consulting Services, Psychosocial Hazards|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Person-to-person communication has undergone a paradigm shift from what it was many years ago. Then, practically every communication was through face-to-face interactions, by telephone, or on paper. Nowadays, there are almost limitless ways in

Is Your Organisation Doing Enough to Promote Mental Wellness?

April 23rd, 2024|Categories: Coaching and Management Support, HR Consulting Services, Peer Support Products, Psychosocial Hazards, Training and Development|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Statistics indicate that as many as a quarter of Australian workers take time off each year due to stress. 75% of employees believe that the workplace should support mental health. Aside from the distress

“It’s not what happens to you that matters. It’s what you think about what happens to you that matters”

– Martin E. P. Seligman –

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